Home of baptism in the Holy Spirit
10745 Babcock Boulevard | Gibsonia, PA 15044

(724) 444-8055


Fin de semana DuquesneSobre nosotros

Charles Simpson: In Memoriam

Charles Simpson Ministries
Remembering Charles Simpson

There is that time when the Lord brings to our lives a person far different from our spiritual roots to show us a side of Christ we wouldn’t otherwise know. Brother Charles Simpson, a Southern Baptist, was such a man, nay, such a gift to The Ark and The Dove. Charles came “heaven sent” to our Catholic world.

Simply put, it was the Holy Spirit that united us. He was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1964 only to find that this spiritual experience was unacceptable to the leaders of his denomination. However, he was welcomed among Catholics in his native Mobile, Alabama who were eager to hear his remarkable story.

After the “Duquesne Weekend,” in 1967 as the fire of the Holy Spirit spread throughout our world, Charles found spiritually hungry people he could readily identify with, especially among many of the major leaders in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

In 1977 when Cardinal Joseph Suenens invited Ralph Martin, Steve Clark and others to the Vatican to meet Pope Paul VI, Charles and some other ecumenical leaders were invited to join them. Joking about it afterward, he was heard to say, “I think I finally made it to the top and it’s the wrong group!” He couldn’t have been better received in this ecclesial setting.

As the years progressed, Brother Charles’ relationship with Catholics continued to grow. He was a keynote speaker at our National Service Committee Leader’s Conference in Virginia in 2015. Later that year we purchased The Ark and The Dove. In 2019, when we decided to have an ecumenical representative on our board, it was only natural that we would invite Charles to join us. He graciously accepted.

Charles served on other boards as well, but because of the time commitments he resigned from them, but continued with us to our great benefit. He came not only with his exceptional practical wisdom, but also with his deep respect for the Church and his many Catholic friends.

He understood us and our vision and mission.  He was comfortable in our company and was quite an asset to our board.  His presence kept us focused on our DNA as a Spirit-filled ministry.  His experience and Godly wisdom were invaluable.  Charles enhanced our unity and empowered our work at the Ark and the Dove.  His contribution to our efforts will be greatly missed.

The Ark and the Dove Board




The Ark and The Dove, home of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, seeks to foster unity with those who have received this outpouring and to extend that grace for generations to come.


The Ark and The Dove, a unique place of hospitality offering an open door and an open heart to all who desire to experience the fullness of Baptism in the Spirit. We seek to promote unity and build fraternity in the body of Christ and equip disciples for mission.

Join With Us

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal has been tremendously blessed by being able to acquire the historic site of The Duquesne Weekend and reclaim The Ark and The Dove.  As prophesied during the 50th Anniversary Celebration, “I did not bring you to a museum…but to empower my church for this time.”

Nuestra visión es fomentar la UNIDAD y extender la gracia del bautismo en el Espíritu Santo a todas las generaciones.

Please consider joining with The Ark and The Dove Worldwide’s vision by supporting us financially.


Support The Ark and The Dove Worldwide

Help support The Ark and The Dove Worldwide’s vision and mission of fostering unity and passing on the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit by making a special donation towards our Summer 2021 evangelization.


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