Pilgrimage Destination & Retreat Center
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Duquesne & Visiting the Ark and the dove today

The Ark and The Dove is a retreat center in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, USA. 

On the weekend of February 17th in 1967, the Holy Spirit descended on some Duquesne students in the Upper Room Chapel.

The Ark and the Dove now serves as both a pilgrimage destination and retreat center. The two buildings have housed people from around the world as they come to the Ark and the Dove to pray and grow closer to the Lord.


The Ark and The Dove, a unique place of hospitality offering an open door and an open heart to all who desire to experience the fullness of baptism in the Spirit. We seek to promote unity and build fraternity in the body of Christ and equip disciples for mission.

Join With Us

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal has been tremendously blessed by being able to acquire the historic site of The Duquesne Weekend and reclaim The Ark and The Dove.  As prophesied during the 50th Anniversary Celebration, “I did not bring you to a museum…but to empower my church for this time.”

Our vision is to foster UNITY and to extend the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit to all generations.

Please consider joining with The Ark and The Dove Worldwide’s vision by supporting us financially.


Support The Ark and The Dove Worldwide

Help support The Ark and The Dove Worldwide’s vision and mission of fostering unity and passing on the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit by making a special donation towards our Summer 2021 evangelization.

