our team
Board of Directors

Andrés Arango
Board Member
Andrés is the bishop’s delegate for Hispanic ministry and director of evangelization for the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey. Currently, he is the president of the Latin-American Catholic Charismatic Council (CONCCLAT) and member of the International Service of Communion for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CHARIS) based in the Vatican, representing North America and the Caribbean. Andrés has served as a consultant to the USCCB Subcommittee on Hispanic Affairs and member of the National Team of the V Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry. Andrés holds a Master’s degree in Theological Studies and has spoken at various conferences nationally and internationally. Andrés is the author of the books “Catholic Charismatic Renewal: A Current of Grace”, “Be my Witness” and “Spirituality and Prayer: A Guide to Talk to God and Live Like Jesus”.

Michelle Moran
Board Member
Michelle together with her husband Peter is a founder member of Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism and has been involved in full-time ministry for over 30 years. She is an author of several books on evangelization. Michelle served as President of ICCRS (International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services) from 2006-2017 and was instrumental in the setting up of CHARIS. She was a member of the Pontifical Council for the Laity from 2008-2016. Currently Michelle is the leader of Sion Community. She is a widely traveled preacher, teacher, and evangelist and also serves as a mentor, consultant, and facilitator. She is passionate about raising up the next generation of leaders in the Church.

Jimmy Archer
Board Member
Jimmy was baptized in 1954 and baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1975 where he was forever changed by the love of the Father. He is being formed by the heart of God to present His Heart. A former member of the National Service Committee for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, now a member of the Pentecost Today USA Council where he serves as Development Manager. Since 2015, he has served on the Board of Directors for The Ark and The Dove, home of Baptism in the Holy Spirit, when it was reclaimed for the Renewal as its birthplace. He is a member of the Diocesan Pastoral Council for the Diocese of Wheeling Charleston West Virginia and serves on the Pastoral Concerns Committee. Jimmy has served the Renewal throughout the United States ministering at Outreach Events, Days of Renewal, Praise and Teaching Rallies, and at State and National Conferences. He lives in Fairmont, West Virginia with his beautiful wife Taffy. They have seven children, seventeen grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren and are members of All Saints Parish in Bridgeport West Virginia.

Ron Riggins
Board Member
As RCIA Director at Church of the Nativity in Burke and Chairman of Pentecost Today USA, formerly the National Service Committee, Ron’s catechetical approach focuses on encountering Christ, developing an intimate and prayerful relationship with Jesus, discerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit and inspiring intentional discipleship. A core team member of the Diocesan Unbound Ministry, Ron encourages others to claim the freedom Christ won for us through forgiveness of self and others and renouncing sins, bad habits, attitudes and lies, which keep people from realizing freedom and limits their discipleship. As a Catholic Charities board member and embracing recent papal encyclicals, he teaches that charity and truth are inextricably linked and he evangelizes parishioners in retreat settings to encounter the love of God so that the charity they extend to those in need is more than a meal or clothing – but a witness of God’s divine love which could lead to the transformation of the poor. A banking consultant by profession, Ron’s radical conversion to the Catholic faith came as a result of witnessing disaster, which led him to come to his senses. Married for nearly 40 years and with three grown children, Ron’s wife Terry inspires his faith and challenges him to go out into the deep. They are parishioners at Church of the Nativity in Burke.

Tom Mangan
Board Member
I consider The Ark and The Dove to be a second home because it is part of my neighborhood. As a Duquesne University alumnus from Pittsburgh, I have frequented it often. Over the years the historic importance of this property has not been lost on me. I never thought that I would have a hand in the purchase of it in 2015 for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. I have been in that unpretentious, simple, little “Holy Spirit-anointed chapel” countless times and still feel breathless when I leave. To think that my brother David was there at the start in 1967 for the “Duquesne Weekend,” and I am here now participating in a fresh outpouring of grace for Baptism in the Holy Spirit to a new generation, astounds me. Currently, I am the facilities director of The Ark and The Dove and oversee the work of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Sisters who administer our programs and activities. In addition, I am a former senior coordinator of the People of God Community, and a former committee member of Pentecost Today USA, formerly the National Service Committee.

Mother Lucy, DLJC
Board Member
Mother Lucy was born, Linda Kay Lukasiewicz, in Grand Island, Nebraska. At age 17, Linda began to hear of and experience charismatic prayer meetings and baptism in the Holy Spirit. Soon after she was given information about the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is a Catholic Charismatic Franciscan Religious Institute of Sisters. Linda came to the Disciples at age 19, and received the name Sister Lucy as a novice. She professed her first vows in 1984, and her final vows in 1988. She was elected Superior General January 21, 2002 and served in that position for 12 years, finishing her term in January 2014. She was re-elected Superior General in January 2020. She was elected to the National Service Committee in January 2012 and was re-elected in 2015 and 2018. Mother Lucy’s greatest joy is praising the Lord and bringing people to a deeper realization of a great God who has a plan for their life. Her heart says, “Lord, I am your servant. I have come to do Your will.”

In Memoriam
There is that time when the Lord brings to our lives a person far different from our spiritual roots to show us a side of Christ we wouldn’t otherwise know. Brother Charles Simpson, a Southern Baptist, was such a man, nay, such a gift to The Ark and The Dove. Charles came “heaven sent” to our Catholic world.
Simply put, it was the Holy Spirit that united us. He was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1964 only to find that this spiritual experience was unacceptable to the leaders of his denomination. However, he was welcomed among Catholics in his native Mobile, Alabama who were eager to hear his remarkable story.
After the “Duquesne Weekend,” in 1967 as the fire of the Holy Spirit spread throughout our world, Charles found spiritually hungry people he could readily identify with, especially among many of the major leaders in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
In 1977 when Cardinal Joseph Suenens invited Ralph Martin, Steve Clark and others to the Vatican to meet Pope Paul VI, Charles and some other ecumenical leaders were invited to join them. Joking about it afterward, he was heard to say, “I think I finally made it to the top and it’s the wrong group!” He couldn’t have been better received in this ecclesial setting.
As the years progressed, Brother Charles’ relationship with Catholics continued to grow. He was a keynote speaker at our National Service Committee Leader’s Conference in Virginia in 2015. Later that year we purchased The Ark and The Dove. In 2019, when we decided to have an ecumenical representative on our board, it was only natural that we would invite Charles to join us. He graciously accepted.
Charles served on other boards as well, but because of the time commitments he resigned from them, but continued with us to our great benefit. He came not only with his exceptional practical wisdom, but also with his deep respect for the Church and his many Catholic friends.
He understood us and our vision and mission. He was comfortable in our company and was quite an asset to our board. His presence kept us focused on our DNA as a Spirit-filled ministry. His experience and Godly wisdom were invaluable. Charles enhanced our unity and empowered our work at the Ark and the Dove. His contribution to our efforts will be greatly missed.